Electronic Recordings
Electronic visual and audio recordings may be used on school buses to monitor conduct and to promote and maintain a safe environment for students and employees when transportation is provided for any school related activity. Notice of electronic recordings shall be displayed on the exterior of the vehicle’s entrance door and front interior bulkhead in compliance with State law and the rules of the Illinois Department of Transportation, Division of Traffic Safety. Students are prohibited from tampering with electronic recording devices. Students who violate this policy shall be disciplined in accordance with the Board’s discipline policy and shall reimburse the School District for any necessary repairs or replacement. The content of the electronic recordings are student records and are subject to District policy and procedure concerning school student records; such recordings are exempt from the Eavesdropping Act. Only those people with a legitimate educational or administrative purpose may view and/or listen to the electronic video and/or audio recordings. In most instances, individuals with a legitimate educational or administrative purpose will be the Superintendent, Building Principal, Transportation Director, bus driver, and sponsor, coach, or other supervisor. If the content of an electronic recording becomes the subject of a student disciplinary hearing, it will be treated like other evidence in the proceeding.