Dual Language Lottery
Dual Language Lottery Procedures
In order to meet the needs of diverse learners in the district, the Dual Language (DL) program will strive to fill DL classrooms with this breakdown:
● ½ heritage English students
● ½ heritage Spanish students
As the District 26 Dual Language program is a two-teacher program, we have two DL sections per grade level, which includes Kindergarten. Per Illinois School Code, spots are reserved for identified English Learners (EL) and class sizes will compare to district averages.
Dual Language Lottery Procedures / Procedimientos de la Lotería de lenguaje dual (click to open / Haga clic para abrir)
The following two requirements must be fulfilled in order for non-EL students to be considered for participation in the lottery and acceptance into the Dual Language program.
● Attend a Dual Language Informational sessions
● All families MUST submit the Dual Language Application AND District 26 Kindergarten registration prior to the deadline. The deadline to submit is Friday, May 10, 2024
The lottery will adhere to the following procedures:
● If an applicant has a sibling currently in the Dual Language program, the student will automatically qualify for the Dual Language program (as long as they complete Dual Language and Kindergarten registration by Friday, May 10th).
● If the student selected is a twin, then both twins will be placed in the Dual Language program as long as the application and registration forms are completed on time. ● All incoming Spanish-speaking students identified as EL (per standardized assessments) will automatically enroll in the Dual Language program until capacity is reached.
● For English-speaking applicants, the lottery will occur on Monday, May 20th. A total of 20 English-speaking applicants (this number may change based on district average class-size numbers) will be selected and notified. This INCLUDES families who qualify as siblings to current Dual Language students.
● Selected families MUST complete the Letter of Dual Language Consent Form by Wednesday, May 29th.
● Families who were on the waitlist will begin to receive invitations on Friday, May 31st if there are open spots available in the program.
In regards to the Wait List,
● After the initial spots are filled by English-speaking applicants, all applicants will be picked in order and assigned a number based on the order of their selection. We will monitor the registration of families into the Dual Language program throughout the summer. As open placements become available, wait list applicants will be invited in the order that they were selected in the initial lottery.
● All families will be notified by mail of their acceptance or non-acceptance into the Dual Language Program by August 2024.