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Transitional Kindergarten

Program Description
The Transitional Kindergarten Program is a full-day, specialized kindergarten classroom for students in Cary District 26. Students in this program are students with special needs who may have developmental delays, speech/language concerns, or difficulty processing information. The goal of the
Transitional Kindergarten program is to support student’s access to the kindergarten curriculum through an appropriately paced classroom that minimizes transition, and allows time for skill support and repetition. The following is a description of the supports that are integrated into the Transitional Kindergarten program.

Curriculum is aligned to the state of Illinois Learning Standards. IEP academic goals are developed to include the following areas: reading, writing and math. Students are also exposed to other areas of study such as science, social studies, art, music and physical education as appropriate. Curriculum for
the program is delivered through differentiated instruction that includes a combination of the district’s kindergarten curriculum as well as supplementary curriculum to support skills attainment. Each child’s program is tailored to meet the unique needs of the student.

Related Services:
Students also receive all related service supports that are recommended by the IEP Team. Some of these related services may include Speech/Language, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Social Work, Psychological Services, Health Services, Hearing Itinerant, Vision Itinerant, Orientation and Mobility and Adaptive Physical Education. Many of these services are integrated directly into the program, with individual and small group support also available, in accordance with the student’s IEP.

The goal of all D26 programs is to provide the greatest access to typical peers as possible while still addressing the unique learning needs of each student. Opportunities for inclusion with students in the general education kindergarten program will be provided. For example, students in Transitional Kindergarten will be able to participate in specials (art, music, gym) as well as lunch and recess with peers from the district’s other kindergarten classrooms. They may also be paired with students in the district’s inclusive Full Day Kindergarten Program for some center time activities. All inclusion opportunities will be developed in accordance with the individual needs of the students in Transitional Kindergarten.

Program Options after Transitional Kindergarten:
Upon completion of the Transitional Kindergarten year, students will transition either to a general education first grade classroom—with supports as needed--in their home school or to a special education program within the district. Individual decisions for each student are made by the IEP Team, and all recommended supports and services will be provided in first grade.