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Full Day Kindergarten

Program Description
The full-day inclusive Kindergarten program is an inclusive Kindergarten classroom that is taught by a teacher who is dually certified in general education and special education. The focus of the program is to provide an enriched Kindergarten experience for students, academically as well as developmentally. The curriculum is the standard kindergarten classroom. Modifications and accommodations are made to the program for individual students based on their needs identified in their Individualized Education Plans (IEP). In addition, students receive the full complement of related services, as identified in their IEPs. The goal of the full-day Kindergarten program is to prepare all of the students both academically and developmentally as they move on in the curriculum to a first grade classroom.

Students in the program include both typically developing students as well as students with identified special needs. There are two inclusive full-day Kindergarten classrooms. Both are located at Three Oaks School. The program is open to Kindergarten-eligible students from all three elementary schools.