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Bridge Program

During the past several years the number of students with social/emotional needs has increased in District 26.  The Bridge Program has been designed to support the social/emotional and academic needs for students who have been found eligible for special education and require a specialized placement in order to address social and emotional concerns.  The following is a description of the supports that are integrated into the Bridge Program. 

The curriculum for the Bridge program follows the general education curriculum for Cary students, with modifications as needed in accordance with the individual students’ IEPs.  Homework support and study skills are embedded within the program.  The Bridge program is a small, self-contained setting designed to allow students to receive all of their academic within the program in a small group setting.  Whenever possible, at the recommendation of the IEP Team, students are included in the general education setting.  This may include core academic classes, specials and/or lunch and recess.  Students participate in all district-wide and state-wide assessments.

Social/Emotional Support:
All students receive individual and group counseling.  A point/level system is used to help students monitor their progress as well as earn privileges.  A pro-social component has been embedded into the program—such as working as peer buddies.  The program assistants work directly with the students and the teacher and provide support for the students.    

Students in the Bridge program are students at the elementary or junior high level who have been identified with social/emotional concerns by the IEP Team.  These students require specialized programming to address their social/emotional needs in order to be successful in school.  The students may have some mild to moderate behavioral needs.  However, students with severe behavioral needs would not be appropriate for the Bridge program.

Staff for the Bridge program include a teacher, paraprofessional staff and a part-time social worker.  In addition, the school psychologist and behavior specialist consult with the program on an as-needed basis.  Other related services such as speech/language, occupational therapy and physical therapy, vision itinerant and hearing itinerant staff are also available, in accordance with the identified needs in each student’s IEP.